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Dakumar Machinery Co.,Ltd
Add : 156# Ai Bin Rd, Xinqian Street, Huangyan Taizhou, Zhejiang, China
P.C. 318020

Tel : 86-576-84023777
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Plastic Injection Molding Machine
Striving for excellence
providing complete injection molding strategy to meet customers' requirements

Offering a complere configuration system,users can choose a suitable plastic injection molding machine in terms of different requirements

Plastic Injection Molding Machine - Blog

Date:2015-12-07 14:55:19

We always aim at offering the best and soonest service to our customers.
When we expend our injection molding machines market, we also established injection machine
Sales and service agency one by one in some countries, But no matter agency or sales center,
When our customer meet some problem when using our injection machine,
Operation book and knowledge is needed.

For long experience, we collected Injection Machine Frequently Asked Questions:

  Question                               Reason                                                    Solutions

1 .no action of machine
1. Amplificatory board no output
Measure output voltage of amplificatory board, and check no voltage, change the board.
2.fuse burn out
Check or change commutator fuse
3.oil pump motor rotation reversion
Exchange two phase
4.join device between oil pump and motor
After switch off change it
5.pressure valve blocked no pressure
Clear pressure valve, and change hydraulic oil and filter
6.oil pump motor burn out and not start
Measure motor winding by omnipotence meter Change motor
7. Oil pump is wrong, not retraction oil and increase pressure
Remove oil pump and check
Change oil pump

2. The noise too loud when motor starting has not replacement at starting with action.
Check each selected button
Replace switch to original position
2.preportion valve and relief valve core blocked
Check valve and Clean valve core
3. Oil pump is worn out
Remove pump and check
Change oil pump
11.oil pump sound too laud
1.filter net has dirty
Clean filter and change oil
2.quality of absorb oil pipe is poor
Check absorbing oil pipe,
Change oil pipe, filter net
3.oil pump worn out faster
Check and change oil pump

We already established some service center in some countries, when you meet any problem,
Please contact our sales engineer ASAP, and we will inform our service engineer in your country to contact you.


Skype: sino-mould-08

Date:2015-12-07 14:54:34

Huangyan is a famous injection machine base. You can find a lot of top injection machine maker, molding machine supplier, plastic molding machine manufacturer in Huangyan, China.
In the last five years, Huangyan injection machine is become more and more famous because of its high quality, high performance, high efficient, low energy cost, and diamond sales and after-sales service.
Dakumar Machinery is one of the top three injection machine manufacturer in Huangyan. We have many years experience in injection machine development, moulding tech service. We offer various kinds of injection machine, such as standard molding machine, servo motor molding machine, fully high speed molding machine, etc. from DKM50T to DKM3600T. If you want to buy high quality injection machine, you should come to see Huangyan injection machine.

Huangyan Injection Machine
Post by Miss Summer
Sino Holdings Group
MSN: Skype:sino-mould02

Date:2015-12-07 14:54:06

Ningbo is a big injection moulding machine manufacturing base, there has more than 200 Ningbo injection moulding machine suppliers, Ningbo injection molding machine manufacturers, Ningbo injection molding machine makers.

The output of Ningbo injection molding machine is almost 2/3 of the total production quantity in China, and almost 1/4 of the global output. But, because of low technology content, less independent research and development, it’s average price is only 1/4, even 1/6 of the same injection molding machine in Europe, America, and Japan. High-end injection moulding machine technical is always monopolized by foreign countries.
Sino Holdings Group is a company that can offer full set of machine and mould for customers. It’s branch company Dakumar Machinery Co.,Ltd  is a professional injection molding machine manufacturer in China. If you are looking for Ningbo injection molding machine maker, Ningbo injection moulding machine manufacturer, please kindly considering Dakumar as your supplier. If you feel interesting, please send your enquiry to .
Ningbo Injection Moulding Machine
Miss Summer
Skype: sino-mould02


Date:2015-12-07 14:52:50

With BMC material special performance, for BMC moldings, it needs specialBMC injection molding machines. Compared with standard plastic injection molding machines, BMC molding machines has below obvious points:

-BMC injection molding machine designed with material auto-feeding system.
Known to all that most BMC material is with fiber or glass shape, not like other thermoplastics, BMC material cannot feed to machine barrel by plastic material gravity. Due to this reason, whatever BMC injection molding machine adopt with plunger type or screw type, BMC injection molding machine need have a material auto-feeding system on BMC injection machine barrel. Usually this auto feeding system is driven by one hydraulic cylinder.

-BMC injection molding machine designed with special screw, screw head and barrel.
With BMC material performance, BMC injection molding machine, especially the injection unit must satisfy with high requirements to bear high temperature, high pressure and wearing, so usually for this unit, like BMC injection molding machine barrel, BMC molding machine screw and screw head, we use bi-metal steel.
BMC injection molding machine with screw type, it has advantages for short cycle time, and good for air venting. BMC injection machine screw L/D ratio is relatively small; usually it is 14-16, the screw diameter usually 20-30% larger than other injection molding machines for other thermoplastics.
Please feel free to contact with me with BMC molding machines.
Ms Diana
Skype: sino.group01

Date:2015-12-07 14:51:44

SRL-Z plastic material mixer

We offering SRL-Z series mixer unit is apply for mixing ,coloring and drying of various resin such as polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride and engineering plastic such as ABS, polycarbonate before forming and processing as well as in the mixing of other material.
The unit combines heat mixing and cool mixing together. The material after mixing can be got into cool mixer for cooling automatically, exhausts remaining gases and prevent agglomeration.

We offering


Special for mixing PVC,PE,pp plastic material, we offering heater mixing and cool mixing combination,and also only high speed plastic mixer.If you're interested in this equipment,pls do not hesitate to contact with me.

Posted by Vicky

Click here contact me:sinomould-06 :dkm@dakumar.comMail:

Date:2015-12-07 14:50:22

Injection machine is including hydraulic injection machine, hybrid injection machine, and electric injection machine. Now hydraulic injection machine is widely used in China, and China is the largest injection machine manufacturing country in the world, Chinese hydraulic injection machine technology is mature.

Based on hydraulic injection machine, more and more Chineseinjection machine supplier developed hybrid injection machine. Chinese hybrid injection machine are ready to conquer the world injection machine market.

If you have any inquiry about the hydraulic injection machine or hybrid injection machine, please feel free to contact us.

Post by Ellen

Date:2015-12-07 14:49:24

ماشین PVC:
بر اساس طراحی ماشین های ما برای محصولات کلی  ما دستگاه تزریق PVC را برای برآورد نیازهای خاص محصولات PVC   طراحی کرده ایم.
اندازه مدل
اطلاعات بیشتر
ماشین PVC:
ماشین PVC برای تهیه و تولید لوازم و وسایل مورد نیاز برای جفت سازی و رسوا کردن لوله های PVC مورد استفاده قرار می گیرد. Dakumar طراحی به خصوصی برای پوشش و درب آن ارائه داده است. تمامی اجزاء مکانیکی مربوط به ماشین PVC یا به وسیله ی کروم یا به وسیله ی نیکل آبکاری شده اند تا از خوردگی آنها به ویله ی گاز ناشی از مواد PVC مذاب جلوگیری شود.
ماشین های PVC داکومار، طراحی خاصی برای قسمت پیچ و بشکه دارند و همچنین دارای سیستم کنترل دما نیز هستند. برای ماشین PVC دارای سه امتیاز هستیم:
برای برآورده کردن نیازهای تولیدات PVC، داکومار نوع جدیدی از این ماشین ها را برای تولید لوازم خاص یا سفارشی PVC تولید کرده است. برای مثال، ما از نازل کرومی سفت کاری شده و دهانه نازل برگ استفاده می کنیم تا بدین وسیله از حجم و شار مواد عبوری اطمینان حاصل کنیم و همچنین از موتورهای هیدرولیکی فوق العاده بزرگی استفاده کرده ایم تا گشتاور عظیمی را که برای قالب پذیر کردن PVC لازم است را بتوانیم تأمین کنیم.
بنابراین، داکومار به موفقیت بزرگی در ماشین های PVC در زمینه ی تولید لوازم جاسازی لوله ها دست یافته است . این ماشین، قالب گیری منحنی های شیب دار هسته را با ابعاد کاملاً مشخص و دقیق و دقت بسیار بالای سطحی به انجام می رساند و خروجی و ورودی را به نرمی و راحتی مشخص می سازد. کوچکترین اندازه هسته از هم جدا شونده به 32 میلی متر می رسد. البته تحت شرایطی که قالب قوی و پایداری نیز داشته باشد. ما سعی می کنیم که اندازه قالب را هر چقدر که ممکن است کوچک طراحی کنیم تا از ماشین های PVC کوچکی نیز استفاده کنیم و تمامی نکات مدنظر و خواسته شده توسط مشتریانمان را در حیطه کنترل و دقت نظر خود قرار دهیم.
سری ماشین های PVC:
بر اساس طراحی ماشین همه منظوره ی ما، ما ماشینی طراحی کرده ایم که نیازهای دقیق محصولات PVC را برآورده سازد.
1) اجزاء قالب پذیر کننده ی PVC منحصر به فرد، پیچ های سفت کاری شده با روکش کروم، نازل ( البته با دهانه ی بزرگتر) و همچنین لبه های نازل ها نیز بر اساس نیازهای محصولات PVC تطبیق یافته اند تا عمر تمامی قطعات مکانیکی را افزایش دهد. تمامی اجزا به شدت در مقابل خوردگی مقاوم هستند.
2) طراحی درب ایمنی عریض تر که به دستگاه های کشنده ی دو هسته ای مجهز شده است( هر کدام از این دستگاه ها دو ورودی و دو خروجی دارد.)
3. شبکه: از طریق کانال های هوا، به وسیله ی هوای فشرده در مناطق مجزایی با کنترل های مستقل تحت فشار سرد شده است. یا از طریق ارتباط کنترل کننده ی دما به پیچ خنک سازی روغن برای جلوگیری از افت کیفیت پودر PVCدر بشکه.
4- موتور هیدرولیک بسیار بزرگ: برای تأمین گشتاور عظیم مورد نیاز برای قالب پذیر کردن PVC
5- خنک سازی از طریق آب و روغن در بشکه ها برای ماشین های بزرگ
6- نازل کرومی سفت کاری شده و دارای حفره ی نازل بزرگ که حجم عبوری و شار مواد از طریق آن را به راحتی امکانپذیر می کند.
7- موتورهای بسیار عظیم هیدرولیکی که بر اساس نیاز به گشتاورهای بسیار بزرگی که برای قالب پذیر کردنPVC وجود دارد، تنظیم شده اند.

آدرس: چين، ژجيانگ، منطقه صنعتي شمال، خيابان جنيگ
تلفن81106903 -576-(86)+

Date:2015-12-07 14:47:44

Dakumar machinery company is the famous and professional injection machine supplier,we offer full lone production ,including the IML mould turnkey project, bottle production project ,machine one-stop supplier china , in the meantime ,we do improvement in the design and the precision control.
DAKUMAR is the injection machine supplier, from you choose the injection machine ,we can help you to analyze the mould size ,injection machine inject capability ,screw choose ,SR, and other information ,in the meantime ,the mould will be done for you within your requirement ,or custom mould for you ,until you satisfied with it. Then we match the mould into the machine ,to form a perfect production line, the auxiliary machine also can provide you in the cheapest price.
The advantage for you to choose my company is that we offer the best after-sales service, we offer the adjustment and training in your local place ,before do the production line ,we will do the field research in your place ,to see if the electricity ,water, air is enough satisfy the machine requirement.
If you wish to build the injection machine turnkey project,the full line production line including mould ,machine ,and service,we are your best choice, if you are interested ,pls do not hesitate to contact me


Skype: sino-mould-08

Date:2015-12-07 14:46:44

Dakumar machinery research and development a new injection molding machineOil-electricity Hybrid molding machine.The characteristic of this machine are,high speed, high precise, high stable,shorter cycle time,energy saving

High speed:Shorten the injection time;Injection speed 400mm/s.For thin wall product,filled in 0.5S.

High precise:Moog(America) servo valve control system combination with (Austria)KEBA computer.The precise of mold  open and close can be reached at 0.5mm,it is enough for robot operation and coordinate

Shorter cycle time: For common injection machine the time is like following show:

Mold close (1.4s)—injection(0.5s)—filled(Cooling)(1.1s)—Mold open(2.9s)—Take out(1.2s)

For Hybrid molding machine mould open ,material filled, product take out at the same time. The cycle time would be shorten 30% even above.

Energy saving:Servo hydraulic motor from motionless to rated revolution only need 0.02s would be saving 80%energy.

If you're interested in it ,pls feel free to ccontact with me.


Skype: sino-mould-08

Date:2015-12-07 14:45:35

Buy injection machine spare parts, plastic injection molding machine plays an important role in plastic molding field. At the same time, machinery spare parts play important roles of injection molding.

Dakumar Machinery offers all related kinds of necessary spare parts. Material barrel, screw, heating ring, fans, auxiliary board, etc. You can find us online immediately for spare parts, thus Dakumar provides you helpful suggestions.

We're also looking for machine agent in different countries, thus we can provide our customer with great back up services. Especially for injection machine spare parts, which is the most important item for machinery after service.

Ms Lucia


Date:2015-12-07 14:44:50

Dakumar Machinery has rich experience in home appliance molding, we're able to offer you Turnkey home appliance services. From home appliance moulds,
suitable injection machines and related auxiliary machines.

It is different from other plastic parts. For home appliance part, of course it should be safe, easy operating for we users, also it should with fineness appearance. For investors, when they start a new home appliance project, it should have lower production cost. Thus manufacturing home appliance parts, not only production cycle time is an important item, how to make it realize its function is the most important.

For home appliance mould, it has appearance part, supporter and functiomal part. Each part mould has its key point during manufacturing. Usually appearance part mould is complex, supporter mould focuses on its strength and functional part mould is more precision.

For home appliance injection machine, it should be servo motor injection machine. Special servo control system will efficiently realize energy saving, as usually manufacturing home appliance part needs longer time injecting.

If you have any new home appliance project want to start, like washing machines, air conditioners, refrigerator, feel free to contact with we sales engineers. We'll sure offer you turnkey home appliance services.

home appliance molding


Skype: sino-mould-08

Date:2015-12-07 14:43:46

Dakumar machinery company is offer many kinds of service to the customers, we are the leader in doing the IML injetion molding to the worldwide customers.IML injection moldings turnkey project is the full production in china ,we are the IML mould supplier china ,IML injection moulding machine supplier china,IML injection molding system.

We know the hardness to find the reliable mould supplier, the injection machine maker, the whole solution provider in china, as IML injection moulding turnkey project is a big project need many equipments, as to all the machines and moulds, we all can supply you in the meantime.So you can check all the machines’ quality and If them are well fit with each other ,we can help you to train the workers in your country ,teaching the basically maintenance solution for free, before this ,we can install the equipments to successfully operate and produce the perfectly products.

We have many years’ service to help our customer to build the full IML  injection production line, we are the best choice if you wish to setup the IML turnkey project,pls feel free to contact me


Skype: sino-mould-08

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