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Dakumar Machinery Co.,Ltd
Add : 156# Ai Bin Rd, Xinqian Street, Huangyan Taizhou, Zhejiang, China
P.C. 318020

Tel : 86-576-84023777
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Plastic Injection Molding Machine
Striving for excellence
providing complete injection molding strategy to meet customers' requirements

Offering a complere configuration system,users can choose a suitable plastic injection molding machine in terms of different requirements
Date:2015-12-03 14:16:12
Servo power save injection molding machineadopt servo energy saving technology which varies manufacturers are Investing in research and development process. Many a maker is beginning to invest in volume production. And technical conditions are mature gradually.
When compared with all machines, servo power save injection molding machine have a lot of many advantages. Such as volume increase, energy conservation, consumption reducing, precision, high cost performance, low failure rate, low noise and has become the main trend of the performance ofinjection molding machine.
Technological superiority of servo power save injection molding machine:
  • Volume increase

By means of optimizing software, response can be better, and production efficiency can be increased more than 10 percent.
  • Energy conservation

Under normal operating conditions, compared with conventional hydraulic injection machines, energy savings of 20~80 percent can be achieved.
  • Consumption reducing

The service life of hydraulic oil and machine can be prolonged.  
  • Adopting entire closed-loop control with high repeat precision, then improve the yield of new product.

  • Water conservation and pollution abatement.

  • Reduce the noise of the running of the machine.

  • Reduce the cost of power grid and will not influence the power grid.

  • Gain the country's energy subsidies.

Welcome to professional injection molding machine manufacturer——DAKUMAR, a subsidiary of SNG Because of owning the most outstanding elite team, DAKUMARcan provide you with perfect machinesand solutions. And it also can customize machines according to every client’s requirements. Please feel free to contact with me.

Poster: Jocelyn
: sinomould-17

Tag:  Servo power save injection molding machineenergy conservation and consumption reducingServo energy systems engineeringServo power save injection machine ChinaDKM Servo power save injection machine

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