For injection machine transportation, how to make the injection machine hoisting? have you ever think about it? I am sure most of the machine supplier make the machine lifting through tie bars,because it is easiest.but actually this is not reasonable. After so many years experience, we found hoisting over tie bars affect the tie bar quality and machine life.
Almost all the injection molding machine suppliers in China lift machine on the tie bars,but it proves that this is not correct,because when the whole machine’s weight load on tie bars,the dimension of tie bar will be changed a little bit,it affect the precision,quality and life for tie bars and molding it is suggested to make hoisting position in machines,but to find the position should be careful, because we need to calculate the weight balance.
Tag: Plastic Injection Molding MachineChinese plastic machine exportationmolding machine liftinglifting injection machineplastic injection machine hoisting